Pivoting From Cyber Security to Cyber Defense — Part 3

Utilizing VaultCore During a Hospital Ransomware Event

In Part 2 of this series, we examined the ongoing transition from Cyber Security to Cyber Defense, discussing Cyber Defense effects and utilizing VaultCore to realize those effects. In this post, we continue the discussion as we demonstrate how VaultCore enables the effects in a real-world scenario.

For practical consideration, let’s examine the following environment: A healthcare enterprise with 15 hospitals, two data centers, and multiple third-parties who use hospital technology resources. The IT infrastructure represents a number networks, applications, storage solutions, and network-connected diagnostic equipment. 

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Pivoting From Cyber Security to Cyber Defense — Part 2

It’s been a little over a year since exclaiming that Cyber Security is dead. In that year, we have seen broader acceptance of terms like Defense and Resiliency. We have even seen attempts to pass laws that are the cyber equivalent of the “castle doctrine” for home defense. All that aside, one term that is starting to show up in this space is Orchestration. In practice, tools that support AI, machine learning, or analytics are turning to the term Orchestration to address what happens next. Applying the OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) is an easy way to look at this — if SIEM, AI, machine learning, big data, etc. are about Observe and Orient, then Orchestration is about Decide and Act.

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Announcing BYOK Support for AWS and Azure

Fornetix is proud to announce the availability of Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) support for both AWS and Azure Cloud Services.  This is made available through the Fornetix BYOK plugins via APIs that allow the Fornetix VaultCore appliance to speak to cloud service providers in their preferred protocol for enhanced security of encryption keys 
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