Utilizing VaultCore During a Hospital Ransomware Event
In Part 2 of this series, we examined the ongoing transition from Cyber Security to Cyber Defense, discussing Cyber Defense effects and utilizing VaultCore to realize those effects. In this post, we continue the discussion as we demonstrate how VaultCore enables the effects in a real-world scenario.
For practical consideration, let’s examine the following environment: A healthcare enterprise with 15 hospitals, two data centers, and multiple third-parties who use hospital technology resources. The IT infrastructure represents a number networks, applications, storage solutions, and network-connected diagnostic equipment.
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PRESS RELEASE: Fornetix Announces Bill Regan as New Senior Vice President of Finance
/in Articles, Press Releases /by FornetixRead more
Network Runners and Fornetix Partner to Exhibit Mission-Critical Technology at AFCEA WEST
/in Articles, Press Releases /by FornetixSterling, VA and Frederick, MD – February 5th, 2019 – Network Runners, Inc, a top technology consulting services company that supports the commercial and federal government market spaces, and Fornetix, a leading provider of encryption key management solutions for cyber security, announced they will partner and showcase cutting-edge defense systems at the AFCEA WEST Conference in San Diego, CA, on February. 12-15, 2019.
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Security and the Internet of Everything – Are We Ready?
/in Articles /by Cathy WolniewiczThe demand for connected devices is growing exponentially, but the technology to secure these devices is lagging creating cyber security vulnerabilities at a massive scale.
The Current State of Cyber Security
Every day we hear about breaches, hacks, and cyber-attacks affecting banks, hospitals, transportation, and even entire cities. In some instances, the impact can mean life or death. Our most trusted institutions – like the US election process – are not the pillars of security they once were. And yet the demand for “connected everything” continues to grow in all sectors and across the globe.
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PRESS RELEASE: Fornetix Announces Technology Partnership with Ruckus Networks
/in Articles, Press Releases /by FornetixBy Utilizing Fornetix VaultCore™, Ruckus Networks’ Customers Are Now Empowered to Maximize Security Controls Across All Ethernet-Based Networks Read more
PODCAST: Chuck White Visits ‘New Cyber Frontier’ to Discuss Encryption and Cyber Defense
/in Articles /by FornetixOur Chief Technology Officer at Fornetix, Chuck White, sat down with Professor Andre Hinton from the New Cyber Frontier podcast to explore the ways powerful encryption can solve the big problems of cybersecurity. Take a listen using the audio player below! Read more
VaultCore: Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) for the IoT World | Fornetix
/in Articles /by Chuck WhiteWhen looking at the problems we were trying to solve with VaultCore, IoT and IoE have always been part of the grand vision of orchestration. As more and more systems break down the concept of perimeters or layers, there is a need to address the realities of these changes.
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The Importance of Strong Encryption in Free Societies
/in Articles /by FornetixThere is growing concern regarding the role that encryption on personal devices might play in the future of law enforcement activities. Strong encryption, which uses large keys that are controversially hard to crack, has caused complaints in recent years as manufacturers such as Apple and Google increasingly add these features to their devices. What these companies have done is not new technology, but the broader application of existing public-private key encryption in a way that’s easy to use for the average consumer. Read more
Guest Post: Why Cities Need to Get Serious About Cyber Defense
/in Articles /by Maha AmircaniA special thank you to Maha Amircani for her guest post discussing the reality of cyber vulnerabilities faced by major cities. Maha is an attorney in Atlanta, Georgia and founder of Amircani Law. A Georgia native born to immigrant parents from Egypt, Maha represents clients in city, state and federal court litigation as well as administrative proceedings. Her practice specializes in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, and real estate closings.
There has been a lot of interest in protecting businesses from the threat of ransomware. But, city governments are at real risk and the impact reverberates to people like me who interact with them daily. After the City of Atlanta ransomware attack in March 2018, this became crystal clear.
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Pivoting From Cyber Security to Cyber Defense — Part 3
/in Articles /by Chuck WhiteUtilizing VaultCore During a Hospital Ransomware Event
In Part 2 of this series, we examined the ongoing transition from Cyber Security to Cyber Defense, discussing Cyber Defense effects and utilizing VaultCore to realize those effects. In this post, we continue the discussion as we demonstrate how VaultCore enables the effects in a real-world scenario.
For practical consideration, let’s examine the following environment: A healthcare enterprise with 15 hospitals, two data centers, and multiple third-parties who use hospital technology resources. The IT infrastructure represents a number networks, applications, storage solutions, and network-connected diagnostic equipment.
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Pivoting From Cyber Security to Cyber Defense — Part 2
/in Articles /by Chuck WhiteIt’s been a little over a year since exclaiming that Cyber Security is dead. In that year, we have seen broader acceptance of terms like Defense and Resiliency. We have even seen attempts to pass laws that are the cyber equivalent of the “castle doctrine” for home defense. All that aside, one term that is starting to show up in this space is Orchestration. In practice, tools that support AI, machine learning, or analytics are turning to the term Orchestration to address what happens next. Applying the OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) is an easy way to look at this — if SIEM, AI, machine learning, big data, etc. are about Observe and Orient, then Orchestration is about Decide and Act.
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